Training and eating

So I promised myself I would keep blogging after Whole30 and here I am. I don’t know how consistent I will be because honestly, I’m a bit critical of my writing abilities. I just don’t think I express myself well so I tend to just not write.

Since David and I ended Whole30 last week, we spent 5 days eating basically whatever and we felt like shit. Now we’re back to Whole30 ish – I’d say 85% whole 30 and 15% whatever. Our goal is to be “paleo” ish at home and then treat when we eat out. I bought WellFed 2 with this in mind and we’re going to try 1 or 2 new recipes each week. We had the Italian Pork Roast this week and it was great. It made enough meat for everyday! I’ve been mixing it with applesauce for lunch.

Marathon training is going well.

Last Friday I did 9.5 miles on the treadmill. Saturday, 5.75 easy on the treadmill. I missed Sunday’s long run though due to icy conditions and snow. Tuesday was an easy 3 miles on the treadmill. Last night I did a fun 6.9 mile workout:

15 minute warmup at 6.0 (10:00)

3min @ 8:03
2min @ 8:31
1min @ 7:30
2min @ 8:31
2min @ 8:21
2min @ 8:03
2min @ 7:45
2min @ 8:31
1min @ 7:18
2min @ 8:31
2min @ 8:21
2min @ 7:56
2min @ 8:31
3min @ 7:14
2min @ 8:03

15 min at 6.5 (9:13)

I found it here: and will add 5 minutes of intervals every week I think. It’s a good way to break up the treadmill monotony.

So I’m carrying on with the paleo ish eating and the marathon training. Feeling good!

Whole30 Days 27-30

Today is Day 31, so I’m done! Had another awesome long run during the last 4 days, where I ran 15.64 miles at 9:15 pace and felt great.

Today we had a snow day so went a bit off the grid with eating – tried a new dunkin donut for breakfast (it was eh) and had chocolate pb ice cream after lunch (stomach not loving it). Mostly though, we plan to stay Whole30ish at home and only go off plan when we go out to eat and for special occasions.

All in all, I lost about 10lbs weighing in at 135.6 today and dh lost 10-11lbs too. I want to lose 6-10lbs more before the marathon if possible but I’m happy with the progress and my running so far.

I was also thrilled with how my sleep improved during Whole30 and that is enough for me to continue eating this way as much as possible. From here on out, I’ll continue to blog but it will be a mix of Boston training, whole30, eating etc …

A few pictures, 1. a worksheet from Whole30 Daily about the experience and then before and after pictures.

Whole30 Daily worksheet

Whole30 Daily worksheet

Before pictures


Whole30 Days 23-26

Whoops, I’m a bit behind. It’s all basically same old stuff though. Once I get into a routine, I don’t deviate much – so breakfast, lunch and dinner never vary too much.

Tuesday – ran 3.5 easy – had eggs + fruit for breakfast, chicken for lunch and I can’t remember for dinner, chili maybe?

Wednesday – ran 6.62 progression – same breakfast, chili for lunch and steak for dinner. Had too many almonds and didn’t feel well on the treadmill and barely ate dinner.

Thursday – we were running out of food and I was gone from 7am-830p – had 3 sweet potatoes, chicken, lots of carrots etc .. Then salmon + green beans when I got home for dinner.

Friday – ran 6 hilly miles outside. Then went grocery shopping. Had tuna + avocado, blackberries and pistachios for lunch, kielbasa + green beans for dinner.

Today is day 27 – we ran 4.88 miles this morning and I just had sweet potato + eggs. Which is also the dogs favorite. She loves the leftovers. I have 15 miles on schedule for tomorrow.

I have to say, I’m becoming increasingly anxious to see if I’ve lost weight come Wednesday. I also think it will be interesting to blog about meals after Whole30. We plan on sticking to the principles with some additions. But I know gluten affects me, especially while marathon training so that will be limited or non-existent until Boston. Dairy will be rare. I bet sugar is going to taste way too sweet at first. I do want to try the new cookie dough oreos though :hide:

It should be interesting. I feel better than ever but can’t always be this restrictive however the principles and main parts of meals should stay the same.

Whole30 Days 21 and 22

Day 21 – Sunday, run day!

I was up at 5:30. I had a breakfast of 2 eggs scrambled in coconut oil, 1/2 a sweet potato and some applesauce. Plus 2 cups of coffee.

14 miles on tap. Had 1/2 a banana and coconut water. We couldn’t find parking easily, so we were running late and missed some instructions. Which became quite important later.

Headed out into the 16F, feels like 0F weather with crazy wind gusts. First 7 miles are awesome, find some people to run with + my usual running buddy. Shin pain at the beginning and then it faded. Got to mile 7, stopped to read directions. Should be a water stop – we don’t see it. We turn left. 1.25 miles later, we realize we went the wrong way. Stop, find a way back. This will add mileage. Plus we need water. So stopped at a Dunkin Donuts, got water and carried on. After 15.43 miles total, we were done. Cold, windy and lost. But it was a character building run. Averaged 10:22 pace. This weeks 15 should be easy!

After the run, waited for my friend to finish and ate chicken + sweet potato. Headed home and had chicken soup, pistachios and carrots for lunch. Then we went over to my parents and hung out. I wanted a nap! Then had dinner at David’s parents. Pork roast and sweet potato + butternut squash with nutmeg and cinnamon – it was delicious!

Day 22 – Monday. Slept well again. I love that my sleep is so improved!

Breakfast at 8 – two eggs scrambled in coconut oil, 2 clementines, almonds + 3 dried peach slices

Lunch at 12 – chicken, green beans, tomatoes and baby carrots

Snacked on baby carrots all afternoon and finished the bag, oops.

Home at 6 and hopped on the bike for an easy 30 minute spin.

Dinner was chocolate chili, an apple and then some mango.

Today is Day 23 and we have one week left and are feeling good.

Whole30 Days 18, 19 and 20

I’ve had a busy few days and haven’t had much blogging time.

Thursday was just a typical work day – no workout. Breakfast was chili + grapefruit, lunch was chicken soup + green beans and I can’t remember what dinner was – salmon and broccoli maybe?

Friday was an emotionally hard day. I had my every other week therapy session and it was more mentally and emotionally exhausting than usual. I had chicken and grapefruit for breakfast. Chicken and tomatoes for lunch. We were needing to grocery shop. Honestly, I was such an emotional wreck, I wanted to binge eat. Which would have made me feel better for an instant and then would have made me feel so much worse. I’m so glad I didn’t give into the urge. I did have a few too many pieces of dried peach after I went grocery shopping but that was it. I skipped the gym and napped in the afternoon. I needed it more. We had pork chops, unsweetened applesauce and green beans for dinner.

20140124_183946I stayed up a bit late because of my late nap but I still got a solid 8+ hours of sleep.

Today I woke up feeling a bit hungover but better. I had a sweet potato and apple and then went to the gym with David. I ran 4 miles. Came home and had scrambled eggs in coconut oil and a grapefruit. Then the dog and I went over to my parents so she could play with other dogs. I had chicken soup and baby carrots, along with pistachios for lunch when I got home. We had a lazy afternoon and I took another short nap. Dinner was 2 hamburgers, a sweet potato and broccoli. Now I need to prep for tomorrow’s cold 14 mile run!


Whole30 Days 16 and 17

Lets start with sleep – it’s fabulous. I don’t even wake up in the middle of the night to pee these days. It’s like I’m a new person when it comes to sleep and I love it.

Day 16 – I had jury duty. I got up and had chili (no pictures again, sorry) and packed some food for the day – almonds, dried mango, dried peach, chicken, sweet potato and tomatoes. I had the fruit and almonds while boredd and waiting. Then we got released around 12:30, so I waited to eat lunch until I got home. I had the chicken, sweet potato and tomatoes. Then I went to the gym and ran 7 miles. I had a good progression run.

For dinner we had ground turkey, eggs and sweet potato. I also had green beans on the side.

Day 17 – Snow day! I had leftover turkey, eggs and sweet potato for breakfast.

IMG_20140122_081253_189We were stuck at home pretty much all day. I napped because I was bored. Then had chicken and tomatoes for lunch. Went to the gym with David, tried to run but my calf was bothering me and I didn’t want to risk it, so I walked while he ran. We had salmon and green beans for dinner. Slept great again last night and I’ve taken pictures of my food so far today, so I’m back on track.

Whole30 Day 15

I didn’t take any food pictures yesterday. Ooops.

I slept great again, straight through from 9-5:45.

Breakfast was ground beef, eggs and sweet potato.

Then we picked up our new bed.

Ran just under 2 miles at recovery pace.

Lunch was chicken and something else?

Dinner was chocolate chili. Yum.

Had another good night of sleep heading into Day 16.

Whole30 Days 13 and 14

Apparently I didn’t post yesterday, I uploaded pics to do so but forgot, I guess.

So yesterday – woke up at 6am and was ready to go.

Breakfast – 7:45am – I had a sweet potato that isn’t pictured, steak and eggs


Got some stuff done and then ran errands with David. After our errands, we went to the gym for a quick workout. I did 31 min – 5 walk, 21 run, 5 walk for 2.62 miles.

Lunch – tuna mixed with avocado and green beans, grapefruit – around 12:30

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThen I spent all afternoon decluttering and organizing the house with David.

Dinner was around 6 – kielbasa, peppers, onions and green beans

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI went to be around 9pm and fell asleep by 930pm. I woke up 30 minutes before my alarm today at 530am. I’ve been sleeping so much better. I guess I can attribute that to Whole30.

Had some coffee, egg muffins, 1/2 an avocado and some applesauce at 6am

IMG_20140119_060348_760I met a friend at her house and then drove to meet our running group. I drank 1/3 coconut water, 2/3 water on the drive in. I ate a clementine and banana when we got there at 7:45am and then packed a Peter Rabbits Organics, dried mango and dates for run fuel. We had 12 miles scheduled. It had started snowing, so it was a bit slippery. I started out with my friend and ran nice and easy. We hooked up with another girl at a water stop around mile 4 and then I ran a bit ahead after that because I was feeling awesome. There were 2 water stops, I had 1/2 the fruit squeezy Peter Rabbit thingy and a piece of dried mango at each. I didn’t eat the dates. 2 cups of water at each station. I avoided the candy and gatorade easily.

IMG_20140119_061932_815I got back a bit before my friend and had my post-run leftover kielbasa, and green beans with a sweet potato, along with the dates and clementine. I mentioned the twizzlers looking good to me to her and she told me I deserved one after 12 miles but I wasn’t even that tempted because I feel so good and don’t want to slip up.

IMG_20140119_101229_677(I promise there is kielbasa on the bottom of that).

Ran a few errands and then came home and ate again around 12pm. I browned some ground beef, scrambled in2 eggs and then some sweet potato with a little s&p. It was delish.

IMG_20140119_115702_593(even Dash wanted some!)

Now my chicken is in the crockpot for the week. Watched our football team lose and ate chicken drumsticks that David grilled.

IMG_20140119_151418_958I have also snacked on some pistachios and dried fruit watching the games. I’m feeling really good 2 weeks in. My awesome run made me feel really good about my fuel.


Whole30 Day 12

Slept in until 7:15.

Breakfast at 7:30 with coffee: egg muffins, banana and some tomatoesIMG_20140117_080852_143Went for a 6 mile run with a friend at 9:30ish. We did a nice hilly route averaged around 10:20 min/mile. My legs felt heavy for most of the run. Then I went to the bank to fix my debit card before going to Trader Joes. I should’ve taken a picture of my grocery haul, there was lots of stuff! I ate an apple and some dried mango on the way home; not a great recovery snack I know.

Had to rush around by the time I got home, so I showered and then had lunch in the car on the way to my hair appointment.

Lunch 12:30pm: chicken and a big sweet potato

IMG_20140117_122903_145Then I got my haircut, went to REI and got some Peter Rabbit Organics for my 12 mile run on Sunday. Came home and cleaned up my mess of a kitchen and then David and I went out to dinner with his family. I didn’t take a picture but I had sirloin and a double serving of broccoli and David had salmon and a double serving of broccoli. We also had some salt and vinegar chicken wings as an appetizer. I wasn’t tempted by the bread at all. I actually had two temptations yesterday where I would usually give in but didn’t: when I dropped my dog off at my parents, I did have any hot tamales, I usually have at least one handful and then I wasn’t tempted by bread at dinner! Woohoo.


Whole30 Day 11

So day 11 – boring day. Slept great last night, woke up at 6am, walked the dog, went to work.

Breakfast 8am: 3 egg muffins, clementines and pistachiosIMG_20140116_074712_060

Lunch 12pm: chicken soup, mixed veggies, a few dates and avocado

IMG_20140116_114958_752Came home and made dinner with David.

Dinner 6pm: steak and green beans with onions and garlic


Then some almonds, pistachios, coconut flakes and dried pineapple. Now we’re going to play cribbage and relax.